Matthew Tong

Matthew Tong

Matthew Tong

Executive Director, Audit and Assurance

Matthew is a Director of the Audit and Assurance division, and has experience in handling listed and IPO exercises in Hong Kong.

Matthew has extensive experience in handling large audit assignments in a wide variety of industries, including shipping, agriculture, online gaming/casino, trading, and manufacturing. Prior to joining Baker Tilly Hong Kong, he spent nine years with a Big Four accounting firm.

Matthew has developed considerable experience in auditing A and H share dual-listed companies, and Hong Kong and AIM dual-listed companies.


Industry Expertise






Key Services Provided



Financial advisory consulting



Professional / Civic Activities

Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants​

Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants



Bachelor of Arts in Accountancy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

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